"BIM Initiates Share Buyback Program"


"BIM Initiates Share Buyback Program"

BIM (IS:BIMAS) has decided to initiate a share buyback program. The company's announcement to the Public Disclosure Platform included the following details:

  1. The Board of Directors resolved on 23.10.2024 that, due to meeting the condition in Article 5, Clause 5.b of the Buyback Communiqué, share repurchases from the Stock Exchange would be allowed in accordance with Article 5, Clause 4 of the Communiqué.
  2. The application for permission made to the Capital Markets Board on 8.10.2024 is to be withdrawn as it is no longer necessary.
  3. The maximum number of shares to be subject to buyback is set at 2,000,000 shares (nominal value of 2,000,000 TL).
  4. The fund allocated for the buyback, to be sourced internally, is set at a maximum of 1,000,000,000 TL.
  5. The share buyback program and the purchases under this program will be presented to the shareholders at the first General Assembly Meeting.
  6. Fatih Meriç, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), is authorized for the execution of these transactions.